Westendorf 2025

Frequently asked questions

What are the emergency numbers?

The European emergency number 112 also works in Austria. For specific emergency services, the following numbers are available: - Police: 133 - Fire department: 122 - Alpine (mountain) rescue service: 140 - Ambulance: 144

What is the address of the hotel?

Gasthof Aschenwald Bichlingerstraße 19 6363 Westendorf Austria

How much does a lift pass cost?

until 12:30: € 56,- from 11:00: € 59,- from 12:00: € 52,50 from 13:00: € 46,- from 14:00: € 39,50 1-day lift pass: € 65,50 2-day lift pass: € 130,- 3-day lift pass: € 190,- 4-day lift pass: € 248,-

What if I get stuck on the other side of the area?

You can use buses where your lift pass also works, otherwise it is advisable to call a taxi.

Where does the bus depart?

Amsterdam: Sloterdijk station Utrecht: Reactorweg 1 Westendorf: Hotel
